Sunday, December 23, 2007

Yes I have a Dark sense of humour...

...and so does my boss. This is the image on the Christmas card I gave her this year. Despite my many complaints about work. I am thankful I have a boss who has very similar interests as me. It makes for great conversation. I am thankful for having her, especially since she just gave me a hefty bonus and pay raise!


Nicole said...

Congrats on the raise and bonus.

I certianly don't have as much spirit as I usually do, but I am really just trying to be as festive as I can muster up.

Don't get me wrong, christmas isn't a spiritual time or anything, but usually I am so "excited" by Dec5th, and bake and wrap gifts and I just get a Christmas-y feeling as i love to do things to make people happy.
Maybe I am just a little sad that I don't feel that way this year.
Then i feel guilty for feeling that way when there are soooooo many people that are so worse off then I am.

I have a beautiful home, 2 healthy, good kids a man that although he drives me CRAZY, is a good man and loves me for my bit of light and puts up with alot of my dark!!!

Last night we went out with our friends that have the little girl that is going to die. We went to Red Lobster and then out to Starbucks to kill time and then caught the late late show of National Treasure. It was good!

Jay said...

Thats beyond words what is happening to that young girl. I hate hearing those things. I can understand why the mood isn't there. My spirit just dipped a little.

There are so many unfortunate people in this world. I gave the majority of my gifts to friends as cash donated in their names this year and I have donated more food than I picked up for ourselves. I hope this doesn't sound like bragging but me and hubby are quite well off and have no children. There is no way I can justify all this cash going to me and him. We have a nice home, a car and each other. What else is there to buy?

There are many who don't even have food, especially children. I can't waste cash on things we don't need with that in my mind.